Monday 5 May 2014


A hedge of trees surrounds me, a blackbird’s lay sings to me, praise I shall not conceal,
Above my lined book the trilling of the birds sings to me.
A clear-voiced cuckoo sings to me in a gray cloak from the tops of bushes,
May the Lord save me from Judgement; well do I write under the greenwood.

The purpose of this blog is to offer a quiet place for contemplation of writing and related things. I welcome your suggestions.

In an effort to step away from the pressure of the market place I am offering my writing for free in its electronic versions, and will add links as they come available. You can find these links in the page called The Scribe's Stories and Poems.

I'm still exploring my ideas for this blog, and it is a labour of love that will evolve slowly. No time constraints here. Just an opportunity to take a sweet breath and listen to the birds.

One thing I have decided...These posts will all be poems. Poems and images to calm and inspire the creative heart. For everything else, look at the pages.

Poem from the Irish
pg 259
The Classics of Western Spirituality:
Celtic Spirituality

Woodcut from
The Birds, Bartholomaeus Anglicus
circa 1485